Sunday, 16 August 2015

Minor update

Has been a while since my last update due to the flu taking over my life the past couple of weeks. On the mend now though so went by the house and snapped some updated pics for you. Plasterboard is complete and cornices almost completed, tiling due to start any day now....


  1. Hi Shanna
    We are about to embark on building the same design with Hotondo. So glad I found your blog. Please keep the pics and updates coming!
    Cheers Kel:)

    1. Hi Kel, thanks for commenting :-)
      We fell in love with the designs practicality, in particular the direct entry from the garage to the kitchen, and the small 'living' room which we will be adapting to be our 'escape the kids/media' room, and the way the master bedroom is separate to the other bedrooms so the kids (2 little ones) can also have their own space. The large walk-in robe was another tick in the box too. We think the design will suit our family perfectly. I will be heading back to house either today (if the rain lets up) or tomorrow and plan to post plenty of pics so stay tuned :-)
