Thursday, 27 August 2015

Front Door!

Received a welcome phone call from the builder yesterday with regard to our choice of front door. He was at the suppliers checking on our order and found out that the supplier had lost their purchase order that was sent a month ago, however, it wasn't really an issue as the front door could be ordered and arrive within a week or so BUT they did have in stock another of the doors in the same range which was very similar, the only difference was the number of glass panels. It also happened that this other door had the translucent laminate that we had chosen. I remember when we were making all our selections for the house that our main request was that the door was to be 1200mm wide, makes things much easier when moving furniture in and out of the house and I preferred the look of a wider door and we ummm'd and aaahh'd over the Hume XS24 (original choice) & XS26 (one in stock). So the builder gave us the option to take the one in stock instead of the one we had chosen and after a quick phone call to the other half we both decided we preferred the 6 panel door anyway so I told the builder to go with it...and I am so glad we did because the front door is one of the big things you look forward to seeing (well, in my opinion anyway) and when I rocked up to the house today the first thing I saw was our lovely big door! I can't believe how much the front door affects the look of the whole house in such a positive way. I LOVE IT!
I also did a quick walk around and took some photos through the windows, it's looking so house-y now. They've installed the skirting boards and most of the architraves and internal doors and everything is looking so good. After several slow weeks it's a much nicer feeling when things are actually happening.

Here's the pics :-D

Front door

Family Room (looking in from alfresco)

Bedroom 4

Bedroom 3

Bedroom 2


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