Friday, 9 October 2015

Tiling and Cabinets!

Been a while since my last post, mainly because the tiling pretty much held everything up. It finally began (and is still ongoing, not sure why it is dragging) but that didn't hold up installation of our kitchen cabinets. They have also begun prep for the driveway, paths, portico and alfresco areas, I'm hoping they do that next week. Week after that I *think* painting might be scheduled, not 100% on that though as everything has been pushed back because of tiling.
We were supposed to be in the house by 20th October (contract end date) but that won't be happening, we'll be lucky if its done by mid-November at this point. Paying extra rent at this point is stretching the budget a fair bit but thankfully it is only a matter of weeks, not months before we move in.

Thursday afternoon, start of cabinet installation

Driveway, paths, portico and alfresco preparation

Friday afternoon, cabinet install finished