Thursday, 19 March 2015


I had a meeting with the fencing guy this morning who mentioned that the boundary of our block hasn't been marked and he'd prefer it was, and wondered if the builders were going to do that. I said I'd contact him and find out. I made the assumption that the site would be checked and marked out in prep for the slab and everything else as the builder would use that boundary to make their measurements. Seems that they weren't planning to and that I might need to get a surveyor out but I wouldn't have thought that would be our problem but the builders issue to sort, and up to this point NO ONE had mentioned that so I have no idea what they were planning to do when they finally do start the actual construction. He mentioned their builder may just mark it out himself but none of this helps the fencing guy really, sigh. So I'm going to add that to the list of possible expenses.
They are also getting a lot more vague when I ask for details as they really have no idea when the plumbers will bother to show up and do their bit, even though I was told it was happening beginning of this week (and it didn't happen) so I think I'm not going to bother calling them for a while as my frustration will begin to show soon. They did mention our slab was the next one on their list behind the one they are working on but even so we are still at the mercy of the plumbers. Maybe I'll have some real news to report next week :-/

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Progress....sort of.

Had a horrible day today, unrelated to the house, we had to make the choice to put down our beloved Piper. My beautiful old girl had reached the end of her days today and we had to call the vet to peacefully put her to sleep. So have been feeling quite 'empty' I suppose you could say.

To keep my mind occupied I went for a drive to the block as the plumbers were supposed to have started early this week but there is no sign of them yet. However I did notice a delivery of materials used for the form work for the slab, so something HAS to start soon. I'm not too worried just yet, just would have liked to see something happen on the block that is a a little more exciting than a delivery of mesh and posts.

We also have a fencing guy coming out to the block to quote for us tomorrow morning which is good, if it comes in under $6000 for supply + install we'll probably get this guy in ASAP to screen the ugly building behind us. That building probably bothers me far more than it should but still can't wait to screen it off, not to mention the crappy old cars this guy is hoarding.


On a separate note, I realised I haven't uploaded the house plans so here it is: 

Friday, 6 March 2015

And so it begins!

Builder - Hotondo
Plan - The Jamieson 222
Land - 1200sqm

Today marked the start of an exciting journey as we build our first family home. It was such a nice surprise to venture to the land today to find that they had already scraped it, considering I was told that would be happening sometime next week. We were off to a good start with it only taking 3 weeks for council approval, then to find that they are ahead of the schedule already, I'm pretty impressed. 

So the timeline so far:

16th January 2015 - Land settlement day!
5th February 2015 - The sign went in this morning!  
9th February 2015 - Plans submitted to council.
10 February 2015 - Council requested copy of Contract of Sale as their records had not been updated for some reason.
4th March 2015 - Builder advised the plans had been approved through council (...and it was my birthday). 
6th March 2015 - Sometime between 4th & 6th  March the site scrape happened.